Episode 8 has Larry talks us through the interlude of chapter 7. John is seeing 144,000 sealed with a list of the tribes of Israel that has some quirks and a great multitude as well.
Podcast: The Apoco-Larry Podcast
Our seventh episode has us talking about the seven seals in Revelation 6. Sure we also make seal noises but we do actually talk about the seals and why we need to understand our view of the millennium before we can move through a discussion on the messages of the seven seals.
To talk about the rapture we first have to discuss the different views of the millennium, so Larry starts this podcast off with a discussion of the millennium and then we double back to the views of the rapture from the various common perspectives. Steve makes a bad joke about wanting to be Han and or even Princess Leia at one point.
In this episode Larry talks us through Revelation 5 and then the 7 bowls as well.
Sure it’s Steve’s favourite passage, but it’s an important message to the 1st century church as well…
Larry highlights three of the churches that John was intimately familiar with and the message that Jesus has for each.
Larry leads us through the start of Revelation where John sees something that he just can’t explain other by an encounter with Jesus…
As we kick off our new podcast, Larry gives an overview of the book of Revelation.