False teachers

Larry talks us through 2 Peter Chapter 2 and the problem of false teachers and sexual sins.

Hey Jude

We’re officially back! Larry talks us through the Book of Jude.

Season 2 – coming soon

Honest, we’re not dead or at least we haven’t been raptured yet. Sorry, couldn’t help a Revelation joke there…

Episode 25 – Why the Angels in Daniel matter

Larry leads us through Daniel 10, showing us why the angels described here are important to our understanding of Revelation.

Episode 24 – The Death Motif

Larry leads us through the death motif that is found throughout Revelation. We make the obligatory joke about decorating.

Episode 23 – Here we are at the end of all things

Larry and Steve talk about Revelation 22 and the end of the book. Don’t worry it’s not the end of the podcast though.

Episode 22 – A New Heaven

Larry talks about the coming new Heaven and Jerusalem and we can’t really figure out ancient measurements at all, or how to end a podcast episode.

Episode 21 – When you got a 1,000 years to live

Larry and Steve talk about Revelation 20, the 1,000 year reign, the defeat of Satan, and the judgement before the throne.

Episode 20 – The Marriage Supper of The Lamb

Larry talks to us about the Marriage Supper of The Lamb and note that we see a picture of Jesus as warrior.

Episode 19 – The Fall of Babylon

This time, Larry leads us through Revelation 18 and the fall of Babylon. He highlights what John had in mind and Steve doesn’t really do anything to help.