Larry and Steve talk about Revelation 22 and the end of the book. Don’t worry it’s not the end of the podcast though.
Podcast: The Apoco-Larry Podcast
Larry talks about the coming new Heaven and Jerusalem and we can’t really figure out ancient measurements at all, or how to end a podcast episode.
Larry and Steve talk about Revelation 20, the 1,000 year reign, the defeat of Satan, and the judgement before the throne.
Larry talks to us about the Marriage Supper of The Lamb and note that we see a picture of Jesus as warrior.
This time, Larry leads us through Revelation 18 and the fall of Babylon. He highlights what John had in mind and Steve doesn’t really do anything to help.
Larry tells us about the Great Prostitute and the Beast as we find them in Revelation 17.
Larry and Steve discuss the Seven Bowls of Wrath and Steve says he’s on Team Larry.
Larry and Steve talk about Revelation 15 and notice that things aren’t always linear in Revelation…
Larry talks through Revelation 14 and we briefly mention the 144,000.
Larry leads us through a discussion of Revelation 13 and the two beasts.