Judges 1

Larry introduces us to the Book of Judges. Larry mentioned that a map of Israel might help to visualize the nation at this time: https://www.truthnet.org/Biblicalarcheology/7/Map_Judges1.jpg (please note, we don’t endorse the site, it’s just a good resource).

Galatians 6 – In case you forgot

Larry talks us through chapter 6, with Paul reminding his readers that what they have in Jesus is superior to the law.

Galatians 5: You can’t go back

Larry talks us through Galatians 5 with Paul using some strong language for those wanting to go back to the law.

Galatians 4: Why go back?

Larry shows us how Paul begged them not to go back to the law.

Galatians 3: So you want to go back eh?

Larry takes us through Galatians 3 and has a word for those who want turn back from grace.

Galatians 2 – Paul opposes

Larry talks us through Galatians 2 and Paul’s opposition to Peter

Galatians 1: Why go back?

Larry introduces us to the Book of Galatians and what Paul was battling against.

Malachi 3:13 to 4 – Not the end

Larry talks us through these last words of the Protestant arranged Old Testament.

Malachi 2 and 3: Test me

Larry takes us through chapters 2 and 3, showing us how God is challenging the people to love God as they once did.

Malachi 1 – Going through the motions

We’re back! Larry leads us through Malachi 1 and shows us how Israel’s devotion was suspect yet again.