Zechariah 11 and 12

Larry talks us through how the prophecy changes in these two chapters.

Zechariah 9 and 10

God calling his people home

Zechariah 8

Larry talks to us about how God is restoring his people.

Zechariah 7

Larry shows us how God saw the people of Israel.

Zechariah 6 – 2 dreams one chapter

Larry talks through the dreams of chapter 6 of Zechariah

Zechariah 5 – these dreams

Larry explains to us another one of Zechariah’s dreams.

Zechariah 3 and 4

Larry talks us through the dreams described in chapters 3 and 4.

Zechariah 2 – Back to Jerusalem

Larry sees us through another of Zechariah’s dreams.

Zechariah 1: It will be different this time

Larry gives us insight to what God is telling Israel in the first chapter.

Esther 9 and 10

Larry puts this book on context of Israel’s history.