Acts 20 – Eutychus falls out a window

Larry talks us through Paul’s journey back towards Jerusalem and a story about Eutychus falling out of a window.

Acts 19 – The Seven Sons of Sceva

Larry takes us through Acts 19 and we preview the new Sinbad and the Seven Sons of Sceva movie.

Acts 18 – Crispus and other fun names

Larry talks through Paul’s visit to Corinth, returning to Antioch, and Luke including the side story of Apollos.

Acts 17 – Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens

Larry tells us about Paul and Silas journeying through Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens

Acts 16 – The Holy Spirit leads

Larry tells us how the Holy Spirit leads Paul and Silas into Macedonia.

Acts 15 – The Jerusalem Council

Larry steps us through the Jerusalem Council and Paul and Barnabas separating.

Acts 14 – Paul, Barnabas, and the Holy Spirit

Larry and Steve talk about the close of Paul’s first missionary journey.

Acts 13 – Paul and the Holy Spirit

Larry talks us through Acts 13 which we see how they responded to the Holy Spirit and Paul’s first recorded sermon.

Acts 12 – Peter, Herod, and John Mark

Larry talks us through Acts 12 with Peter’s miraclous escape from prison, Herod, and the foreshadowing of Paul’s missionary journeys. 

Acts 11 – Peter’s got some explaining to do…

Larry helps with Peter’s explanation of going to see Cornelius and then there is the little mater of the Church in Antioch.