Larry talks us through Acts 5 and how the early church faces challenges from both inside and outside the young church.
Podcast: The Apoco-Larry Podcast
Larry continues our series on Acts 4 with insights on Peter.
Larry talks to us about Acts 3 and just a smidge of chapter 4.
For reference, here is a link to a map of the Temple as it was during Acts 3 and 4
Larry talks us through Peter’s first sermon.
Larry starts us off in chapter one of the Book of Acts.
Larry lead us through an introduction to the Book of Acts.
Larry talks us through Daniel’s vision contained in chapter 12.
Larry talks us through the prophecy of Daniel 11.
Larry takes us through the visions of Daniel and the importance of each as we approach the Book of Revelation.
Larry talks us through an often missed aspect of the first six chapters of the Book of Daniel.