Larry talks us through Hebrews 10 and why no other sacrifice was needed.
Podcast: The Apoco-Larry Podcast
Larry talks us through chapter 9 with seeing how Jesus’ was the only sacrifice needed.
Larry takes us through Hebrews 8 and we are offered a better covenant in Jesus.
Larry shows us why Jesus was from a different line of priests and why this is important
Larry tells why it is important to press on as believers as taken from Hebrews 6.
Larry takes us through Hebrews 5 and why it was important for the author to emphasize that Jesus was a superior High Priest.
Larry talks to us about entering the rest that we are offered through faith in Christ.
Larry talks us through Hebrews 3 and its emphasis of Jesus is greater than Moses.
Larry talks us through Hebrews 2 and its message on salvation.
Larry tells us why we don’t hear many sermons on Hebrews and how it amplifies who Jesus is.