Nehemiah 10 and 11

Larry prepares us for the conclusion of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 9

We catch up to the right chapters finally and here’s chapter 9.

Nehemiah 6 and 7

Larry leads us through chapter 6 and 7. Steve actually didn’t lead us astray this time.

Ezra 9: Israel’s sin

Larry talks us through Ezra 9

Nehemiah 8 and 9

The live studio version

Nehemiah 4 and 5

Larry shows us through these two chapters and finds some lessons for today.

Nehemiah 1-3

Larry leads us through the first 3 chapters of Nehemiah

Ezra 9 and 10: Say Goodbye

Larry takes us through the last two chapters of Ezra with an pivotal time in Israel’s history.

Bonus content: Acts over 25 years

In this b0nus content, Larry draws comparisons with the history of the Book of Acts with the long service of Kings University staff.

Ezra 7 and 8 – Setting the stage

Larry sets the stage for the rest of Ezra as we look at chapters 7 and 8.