Revelation 14 – Angels and 144,000

Larry talks us through Revelation 14 and the angels.

Revelation 13 – Two beasts

Larry talks us through the appearance of two beasts and their meaning to the readers of Revelation in the 1st century.

Revelation 12 – The Woman and the Dragon

Larry talks us through Revelation 12 and the symbolism of the Woman and the Dragon.

Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses

Larry talks us through the two witnesses and a seventh thunder seen in Revelation 11.

Revelation 10 – Seal up

Larry talks us through Revelation 10 and how the literal translation might be difficult with this text.

Revelation 9 – Locust and Woe

Larry talks us through Revelation 9 and the trumpets minus one.

The Seven Trumpets

Larry starts us off with the first four of the seven (six really) trumpets.

Revelation 7 – The Seals and 144,000

Larry talks us through Revelation 7. We should note that this is our last podcast until January as we take our annual Christmas vacation. Sorry about the sound in this episode, the sound guy isn’t all that.

Revelation 6 – The Four Horsemen

Larry talks us through Revelation 6 and the Seven Seals, with comment on suffering as well.

Revelation 5 – The Scroll and the Lamb

Larry talks us through the wonder of Revelation 5.